Paris in The Spring Time Post-Vacation News Letter


Paris in the Spring Time






Streets of Paris Joyce again about to be arested for tyying to bigwheel jack a 3 year old toy and take her popcycle. Her defense that she didnt get any sleep during our 12 hour flight. Yuo know she will fight children



Streets of paris Paris is full of haters trying to arrest me for dancing beneath thr Iffel Tower .


Street performers out side Notre Dam  my competition we had a dance off,but thats laterOut side of the post office where we had gone to  pickup a money gram that  some how nevergot here. Not to worry I took it to the streets and danced for money. to  survive.... Daddy Needs a new pair of "POINTE Shoes"


Adventures in Paris

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STATE  =  FC -- Foreign Country

COUNTRY = France

COUNTRY Ph Code  = France


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                Paris By Train                                  

            Paris Under Construction


Part  I  - France  -  Paris

Landed and wandered around the Airport  getting our bearings looking for a taxi to get to our tour bus but got adventurous and cheap then decided to se Paris by Train (Subway) because it was a much cheaper and like the tour bus you could get to all of the sites. Note - If you see a free bathroom use it because its almost impossible to find one and a free one is rare at best. We just landed and threw out our plans to take the tour bus and took the train instead, because we had to take the train to a central bus tour location. So why not just get a 24 hour train pass. The Paris train system was alright but in hind site the bus would have been a better choice. I say this because the train took more maneuvering with the language barrier spoken and written and just other logistics. The Tour Bus (LESCARSROUGES) is just go from point A, B, C,... and get dropped off and picked up and get dropped off at point N with out need have to consider logistic details.  The train on the other hand is better suited for exploring when you have lots of time get around. We just kind of wandered around the city looking for stuff trying to figure out how much money to exchange and looking for the sites. Did manage to make it to St Michaels and Notre Dam and Eiffel Tower before we kind of just got worn out and decided to make it back to the airport for the next leg of the trip to South Africa.

 Paris By Train





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